Eli O BT

Eli O.



"We crossed the Arizona state line at sunup. The clouds were pink and fat and hilarious looking, like the hippo ballerinas in a Disney movie. The road took us through a place called Texas Canyon that looked nothing like texas, heaven be praised for that, but looked like nothing else i have seen either. It was a kind of forest except that in place of trees there were all these puffy-looking rocks shaped like roundish animals and roundish people."



Pg. 35




"Oh, hell's bells, Taylor I don't even care... I dont know how many times this week I've said I'd give a million dollars to talk to Taylor..."


-Lou Ann

Pg. 228




"It's like this, there's a whole invisible system for helping out the plant that you'd never guess was there... It's just the same as with people. The way Edna has Virgie, and Virgie has Edna, and Sandi has Kid Central Station, and everybody has Mattie. And on and on."



Pg. 228


Quote of Novel

"It didn’t seem to matter to Turtle, she was happy where she was... She watched the dark highway and entertained me with her vegetable-soup song, except that now there were people mixed in with the beans and potatoes: Dwayne Ray, Mattie, Esperanza, Lou Ann and all the rest. And me. I was the main ingredient."



Pg. 232