Ethan T BT



"And so what I promised myself is that I would drive west until my car stopped running and there I would stay."


Taylor to self-page 16




"Theres are healed fractures, some of them compound."


Doctor Pelinowsky to Taylor-page 165




"With these ridiculous, terrible spoons, the people of hell can reach into the pot but they cannot put the food into their mouths. Oh, how hungry they are! Oh, how they swear and curse each other! Now, you can go just visit heaven. You see a room just like the first one, the same table, the same pot of stew, the same spoons as long as a sponge mop. But these people are all happy and fat."


Estevan to Lou Ann-page 145


Quote of Novel


"Turtle was staring up at the wisteria flowers. "Beans," she said, pointing."


Turtle to Lou Ann and Taylor-page 193