

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Useful Links



Have you found a useful link you want to share with your classmates? Add it to this page of our wiki!




  1. Login and click "Edit page."
  2. Select the appropriate area -- Literature, Grammar, Composition, or Study Skills -- that applies to your link.
  3. Copy and paste the the link between brackets: [http://class.huffenglish.com]
  4. To make a prettier and more descriptive link, insert the web site's title after the link, inside the brackets, like so: [http://class.huffenglish.com|Mrs. Huff's English Classes]. The vertical line between the link and the title is on the same key as the backslash on my keyboard. Sometimes it looks like two short vertical lines, on on top of the other.
  5. Make sure you insert an asterisk (*) before the link so it will be part of the bulleted list. You will see examples when you click "Edit page."











Study Skills


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