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Nancy Character Sketch

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on September 26, 2006 at 1:29:23 pm

Nancy Grau


As I was walking on the rough sidewalk I was thinking this is the same walk I take every year to Oma and Opas house to drink some overcooked coffee,eat that was weeks past its expiration date, and go on a boat ride at the end of the day.


When I arrived I walked in the house like it was my own. As I stood there I noticed the screen doors were open letting in a cool summer breeze. All the magazines were on the coffee table and the Swiss version of The DaVinci Code was in the middle of the table under the dead flowers.


I called out, "Opa, Oma Im here!"


Oma called out, "Hello?" And I had to repeat what I said. After a minute or two she finally was trudging down the stairs in her size four house slippers. When she got down the stairs I gave her a kiss. I could smell the Lancome perfume she puts on everyday and the smell of the hairspary to keep her gray,thin hair in place.


Once I greeted both my grandparents they invited me for coffee and pie. I declined the coffee but took the pie and slowly started eating my slice.

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